About the Manual

The Nerd Manual is meant to be both a useful resource for nerds and a guide for the people involved with nerds. If you're a nerd you can find information here that will help you improve your life and perhaps better understand yourself. If you're close friends with, dating, or married to a nerd, I want to give you insight into things nerds do that a lot of people have difficulty understanding.

I hope to avoid offending anyone--either nerd or non-nerd--but please understand that the manual will get into some sensitive topics, stray into contentious territories, and even use stereotypes to illustrate points. It's OK to disagree with something, but keep your comments civil.


Epic Nerd Camp

ENC Productions wants to turn summer camp into a nerdfest...for adults.

This isn't a camp about hiking and swimming (although you can do some of that if you like), this is a camp about LARPing, video games, tabletop, role playing, and other nerdy pursuits.

The first Epic Nerd Camp starts June 11th - 18th 2016 in the Poconos. If you're interested in being part of the epic nerd fun, take a look at the ENC web page.

(I am not affiliated with ENC nor being compensated for this post, I just think it's cool.)

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